Old Man of Coniston

Getting out and about this summer for some personal favourites. The Old Man of Coniston circuit is a perfect antidote to stress and life’s fatigue. It takes just enough effort to get you breathing properly, and then takes your breath away with the glorious expanse of the whole of the Lake district in oneĀ  magnificent … [Read more…]

Door lamp upgrade

Update your door lamp. Add some brightness to your front door. Winter is coming, and the dark nights are approaching. A simple switch to a modern-looking lamp can brighten up your home from the outside.

Climbing store

Secure climbing store

We were asked to build a secure climbing store with only the materials available on the site. This seemed like a challenge beyond the usual. Inside this bespoke climbing store are the ropes, karabiners, slings and other climbing accessories. It’s even been finished with a climbing hold for a handle. Climbing stores should be safe, … [Read more…]

School playground traverse walls

Climbing traverse wall - tumbnail

Climbing traverse walls are yet another activity that your average school can install for its students. If you have a spare and un-used space in your playground that is not used for anything other than kicking a ball against then a traverse wall is an ideal addition. Traverse walls can be installed over a few … [Read more…]